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The Elkhorn Cobalt Project is an early-stage prospect with historic prospecting pits containing cobalt-copper oxides over 1.5km of strike length. The character of the mineralisation, together with the host stratigraphy, invite analogies between Elkhorn and the known deposits within the Idaho Cobalt Belt.

Cobalt-copper mineralisation was discovered in the late 1800’s, outcropping cobalt-copper mineralisation in prospecting pits and trenches scattered over 1.5km of strike. Cobalt-copper oxides are present in fractured rocks, with cobaltite present in fresh rocks.

The Elkhorn Cobalt Project consists of 28 unpatented mining claims for 227 hectares and is approximately 15km northwest of the Blackbird Cobalt District that contains the past producing Blackbird Cobalt Mine and Jervois Global’s Idaho Cobalt Operation. The estimated total endowment of the Blackbird District is 17Mt averaging 0.74% Co. 1.4% Cu and 1.0 g/t Au.

Reconnaissance field work during 2018 included the collection of 52 soil samples on two traverses. Significant Co-Cu-As-Ag anomalism was evident with assays up to 200ppm Co.

The Elkhorn Project is an early-stage exploration play where there is considerable potential to discover high-grade cobalt mineralisation similar to those deposits in the Blackbird District.

Figure 1. Geological comparison between Elkhorn, the Blackbird Mine and the Bonanza Prospect