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Advancing the Yarramba Uranium Project in South Australia
and the Harrier Uranium Project in Canada







Koba Resources is an Australian resources company exploring two high-grade uranium projects in two world class districts including; (i) Australia’s premier uranium mining jurisdiction, South Australia which is home to all three of Australia’s producing uranium mines, and (ii) Labrador in Canada, where the 127.7Mlb Michelin Uranium Project is located.

Koba’s 4,900km2 Yarramba Uranium Project is located in the Frome Embayment in close proximity to two operating uranium mines and where defined resources exceed 250Mlbs of U₃O₈. This mineralisation primarily occurs in paleochannel-hosted deposits. Previous exploration within Koba’s Yarramba Project has delineated extensive uranium mineralisation, including the 4.6Mlb Oban Uranium Deposit. Further, the Yarramba Project includes over 250km of highly-prospective paleochannels which provide outstanding potential to discover large, high-grade uranium deposits.

Koba’s Harrier Uranium Project in Canada has abundant extremely high-grade uranium mineralisation. Assays >1% U₃O₈ have been returned from rock chip samples at nine separate prospects including assays >5% U₃O₈ from two of these prospects. There are very few deposits globally that have these exceptionally high grades.

Yarramba Uranium Project

Koba has acquired the right to earn at least an 80% interest in over 4,900km2 of highly prospective tenure in South Australia – amongst significant uranium operations.

The Yarramba Uranium Project is located:

  • 17km north of the Honeymoon Uranium Operation – where production recently commenced and resources total 71.6Mlbs of U₃O₈ at 620ppm U₃O₈; and
  • 120km southeast of the Beverley Uranium Operation – with production of >40Mlbs of U₃O₈ during 20 years of continuous operation and where defined resources comprise 165Mlbs @ 2,766ppm U₃O₈.

The Oban Uranium Deposit is the most advanced prospect within the Yarramba Project. In 2009 Curnamona Energy Limited announced an Inferred JORC 2004 Resource Estimate for the Oban Deposit that comprised:

  • 8.2 Mt @ 260ppm U₃O₈ for 4.6Mlbs of U₃O₈*

*Applying a grade thickness cutoff of 0.015 metre-% U₃O₈ (150 metre-ppm U₃O₈)

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Harrier Uranium Project

Koba has has an option to acquire 100% of the 489km2 Harrier Uranium Project.

Located within an under-explored belt of Proterozoic and Archean aged rocks part of a world class uranium district that hosts multiple significant uranium resources including:

  • The Michelin Uranium Project which comprises six deposits that together host 127.7Mlbs of U₃O₈; and
  • The Moran Lake and Anna Lake Deposits where historical resources comprise 14.5Mlbs U₃O₈ and 136.4Mlbs of VO.

High-priority target areas within the Harrier Uranium Project

Extremely high-grade uranium mineralisation is abundant. Rock samples assaying greater than 1.0% U3O8 have been returned from nine different prospects, three of which have never been drilled. Assays include:

  • 5.83% U3O8 (Moran Heights Prospect)
  • 5.08% U3O8 (Fish Hawk North Prospect)
  • 4.86% U3O8 (Brook Prospect)
  • 3.48% U3O8 (Minisinakwa Prospect)
  • 2.12% U3O8 (Anomaly 7 Prospect)
  • 1.49% U3O8 (Fish Hawk South Prospect)
  • 1.49% U3O8 (Boiteau Prospect)
  • 1.31% U3O8 (Firestone Prospect)
  • 1.26% U3O8 (Anomaly 17 Prospect)

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