Corporate Directory
Company Details Koba Resources Limited ACN 650 210 067 ASX Code: KOB Directors Non-Executive Chairman Mr Michael Haynes Managing Director Mr Benjamin Vallerine Non-Executive Director Mr Scott Funston Company Secretary Mr Ian Cunningham Registered Office Suite 25 22 Railway Road Subiaco WA 6008 Telephone: +61 (8) 9226 1356 Auditors Stantons International Audit and Consulting Pty
Directors and Management
Mr Ben Vallerine Managing Director Mr Vallerine has more than 20 years’ experience in the mining industry. He has been involved in a senior management capacity with exploration and development resource projects, across a range of commodities, including uranium, predominantly in Australia and North America. Mr Vallerine holds a Bachelor of Science degree with Honours...
Corporate Governance
The Company’s corporate governance structures and practices protect and enhance accountability to the shareholders by ensuring that the Company is effectively directed and managed, risks are identified, monitored and assessed and that appropriate disclosures are made. As the Company and its activities grow, the Board will consider the implementation of additional corporate governance structures. Our...